Enviro technology

Technology involved in an Envirohome

Canada is a world leader in residential construction technology. Builders and housing experts from around the world come to our country to learn new approaches to housing design and construction. EnviroHome projects demonstrate why this is the case.The EnviroHome designation is given to new home projects that meet demanding technical and environmental standards. Across Canada, only about 12 projects earn this distinction each year. EnviroHome builders are among the “best of the best” highly skilled professionals who know how to build homes that are more comfortable, healthier to live in and friendly to the environment.EnviroHome projects feature careful design, appropriate selection of products and materials, and advanced construction techniques resulting in a home that is “good for you, good for your community and good for the environment.” And every EnviroHome must be certified to the R-2000 Standard.These environmentally improved homes are affordable and available today÷using only proven, “here and now” products and innovations that provide a healthy and comfortable living space, at little additional cost.EnviroHome is sponsored nationally by the Canadian Home Buildersâ Association (CHBA) and TD Canada Trust. EnviroHome shows that advances in the way homes are built benefit consumers and also protect the environment. Each EnviroHome project is headed by an experienced home builder working with industry partners and others within their community.First, the home was built with insulating concrete form (ICF) walls, energy efficient windows and a well-insulated attic. As a result, comparatively little energy is used for space heating in winter. Estimated space heating energy use is about 59% less than in a similar new home built to Ontario Building Code requirements.Second, energy used for hot water heating is reduced through the use of a single high-efficiency boiler for both space and water heating, and by tapping into free energy from the sun with an active solar hot water heating panel. In the summer, the solar panel will meet virtually all hot water needs.Third, the Teixeira EnviroHome home has far less air leakage through the exterior surfaces than is typical in conventional homes. Combined with an advanced energy recovery ventilation system, this means fresh indoor air without drafts and cold spots in the home.